martes, 4 de marzo de 2008


While still an emerging field of scholarship, the study of cyberculture flourished throughout the last half of the 1990s, as witnessed in the countless monographs and anthologies published by both academic and popular presses, and the growing number of papers and panels presented at scholarly conferences from across the disciplines and around the world. Significantly, the field of study has developed, formed, reformed, and transformed, adding new topics and theories when needed, testing new methods when applicable.

Popular Cyberculture

Our disciplinary lineage begins with what I call popular cyberculture, a collection of essays, columns, and books written by particularly wired journalists and early adapters. Starting in the early 1990s, these cultural critics began filing stories on the Internet, cyberspace, and the "information superhighway" for major American newspapers and magazines. Significantly, what began as an occasional column in a newspaper's technology section soon became feature articles appearing on the front page, in the business section, and in lifestyle supplements, as well as within the new media/cyberspace beat of many mainstream magazines. Between 1993 and 1994, for example, Time magazine published two cover stories on the Internet while Newsweek released the cover story "Men, Women, and Computers." Moreover, in 1994, the second editions of the popular how-to books The Internet for Dummies and The Whole Internet became bestsellers.

Critical Cyberculture Studies

By the late 1990s, the study of cyberculture had arrived. Indeed, in the second half of the 1990s, many academic and popular presses have published dozens of monographs, edited volumes, and anthologies devoted to the growing field of cyberculture. Reflecting this growth, recent scholars take a broader view of what constitutes cyberculture. No longer limiting the field to merely virtual communities and online identities, a third generation of scholarship, or what I call critical cyberculture studies, has emerged. As with all emerging fields of study, the landscape and contours of critical cyberculture studies are, at best, chaotic and difficult to map. That said, I wish to argue that critical cyberculture studies contains four major areas of focus, each, as we will see, interdependent on one another.

An electronic forum for the discussion of the implications of subjectivity and community in Cyberspace.

We are all dwelling in cyberspace, coursing through the wires, becoming cyborg and becoming human, alone at the keyboard, together online. We are subjects of a realm which offers new ways of envisioning Self and Other(s), and where a global cyberculture is in the process of creation. Cyberculture is devoted to an examination of the new subjectivities and collectivities that are emerging. We are interested in the cultural, political, philosophical and psychological issues engendered, on all levels of the social.

lunes, 3 de marzo de 2008

Operador Colombia Móvil-Tigo ofrecerá telefonía celular de tercera generación (3G)

Se prevé una inversión de $73 mil millones en la red 3G.Tendrá servicios como videollamadas o Internet móvil, desde el segundo semestre de este año.

José Manuel Astigarraga, presidente de la compañía, dijo que el próximo viernes seleccionarán al fabricante que suministrará la red con la que Tigo ofrecerá sus servicios de 3G, no solo en Colombia, sino en las demás operaciones de la multinacional europea Millicom en Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Bolivia y Paraguay.

El directivo indicó que con la elección de este proveedor, que se realizará en Ciudad de Guatemala, concluirá un proceso puesto en marcha en octubre pasado cuando Millicom dio su visto bueno para emprender el salto tecnológico.

Aunque Astigarraga no se refirió a la inversión para el desarrollo de la red 3G en Colombia, se prevé que este monto puede ser de 40 millones de dólares (73.700 millones de pesos).

Por su parte, Ramiro Avendaño, vicepresidente comercial de Tigo, advirtió sobre la necesidad de contar con espectro radioeléctrico adicional para llevar su oferta de 3G al país sin comprometer la calidad del servicio que ofrecen.

La compañía espera que el Gobierno responda a su solicitud para contar con 10 Mhz más de espectro. Además de la construcción de la nueva red, Tigo planea fortalecer la cobertura de su señal en las 760 poblaciones donde está presente (615 municipios).

Consultado sobre el desempeño de la empresa en lo corrido del año, Avendaño destacó el tráfico de llamadas por la reducción de las tarifas aplicada en enero pasado, que atendió a una norma sobre cargos de acceso expedida por la Comisión de Regulación de Telecomunicaciones (CRT).

"Esta decisión debe reflejarse en beneficio de los clientes, aunque hay operadores que han puesto restricciones", dijo el directivo.